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Welcome Guest Author Carolyn Jewel

This is the last GCC author visit till May–finishing up with a highly-acclaimed historical romance, Scandal, by Carolyn Jewel. Love the cover–where is that guy when you need him?

Welcome, Carolyn! Tell me a little about your book.

CJ: Scandal is the story of two people with a mutual past they might not be able to overcome. It’s Regency era England and Lord Banallt is determined to marry the now widowed Sophie Evans. He has a few things yet to learn about himself and the woman he loves, and there’s a very real possibility he might not win her heart.

JG:  What got you writing in the genre in which you write.

CJ:  Romance is a genre in which anything is possible. Terrible, heartbreaking, side-splittingly funny or horrifying events might happen in the course of a romance. In the end, a couple finds a happy ending with each other. I started writing romance because love is a powerful emotion and provides a vast, nearly limitless framework within which to explore what makes humans human.

JG:  Favorite thing about being a writer?

CJ:  Writing.

JG:  Least favorite thing about being a writer?

CJ:  Writing.

JG:  What is the most interesting thing that’s happened to you since becoming a published author?

CJ:  My life is now so glamorous and exciting that it’s hard to choose. Would it be the vacations in Maui or maybe the winters in Gstad? Flying to Paris just because? Or all the famous people (Brangelina!) who clamor to meet me? My life is sadly quite uninteresting. When I’m not at work or with family or writing, I am either sleeping or thinking about sleeping.

JG:  What’s your favorite type of pie?

CJ:  Pumpkin pie.

Learn more about Scandal here.

Categories: Parrothood: Twenty Years of Caring for a Vengeful Bird Determined to Kill Me, Sleeping with Ward Cleaver


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